Maine Radon Testing

Here in Maine, if you’re looking at buying a home it is strongly recommending that you have Maine radon testing done. It might not seem as important as something like having your water tested. That would be a dangerous assumption! Radon is a harmful gas and made so dangerous because it has no smell, color or taste. Radon has been said to be the second leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Can you see why it is extremely important to have Maine radon testing done on your home?

If you’re worried about having to pay another professional to come test your home. Don’t fret, there are test kits available that you can do yourself. If you choose to do it yourself instead of hiring professionals like Maine Radon Pro. Be sure that your read the instructions carefully and follow them to the letter. You will have to close your home up as much as possible to get the best results. That is why it is recommended to do the base line test during the winter. Since here in Maine, most of us have our homes closed up to keep the heat in. These do it yourself Maine radon tests are done over a period of 48 hours.

Maine Radon Testing

It is also good to be aware that Radon can be in your air as well as your water supply. It is important to test both to make sure you and your family are safe. IF you’re not interested in doing the Maine radon testing yourself. There are a number of professionals that you can call, including Maine Radon Pro. They will be able to test for radon in both your air and water supply. If you have not had your home tested, or it’s been more than 5 years. I strongly recommend doing the test either yourself. Or through the professionals at Maine Radon Pro. Going with a professional will also give you the ability to talk with a professional about your results.