Double Bass Restoration

Double Bass Restoration from Upton Bass is exactly what you’re looking for when your standing bass has met with an unfortunate accident. Check out their website to see all the damaged basses they have repaired. It’s truly outstanding to think that some of these instruments have been repaired to working condition. So don’t fret, there’s a good chance the damage your standing bass or cello has taken can be repaired. Upton Bass is a quality Bass and Cello Manufacturer. They have been so successful their style is known throughout the string instrument world as the “Upton Style.” Not only do they repair and manufacture basses, but they make products for every level of musician. Meaning they do have very exquisite and expensive Basses, but they also make models for students and other price points.

Double Bass Restoration

It is not easy to repair a broken string instrument. Many body issues can seem irreparable. However, the experts at Upton Bass know how to carefully repair many issues with these instruments. They repair more than just basses. Cellos and violins are also accepted for repairs. So don’t start looking for brand-new instruments yet. Contact Upton Bass and see if they can repair or restore your instrument. If they can’t repair it, they do have good options for financing a new instrument to replace it. Check out their website for their prices and options including Affirm. These alternative financing options are great for those who can’t afford a new instrument up front. In today’s market that’s totally understandable. So visit Upton Bass today!