Old Home Restoration

Old Home Restoration with Kronenberger & Sons is the best way to restore old fixtures and worn wood, metal, and other materials, while removing toxic materials like lead and asbestos. Older homes have a certain charm. No matter which period it was made in, even the 1970’s. However, as charming as they may be, that can wear over time. Windows and doors especially show their age and can be worn down. Often drafts form and the home becomes less energy efficient. Older homes weren’t really built for energy efficiency either. These are great reasons to hire Kronenberger & Sons to restore your home or just parts of your old home.

Old Home Restoration

Homes built up to the 1970’s have hazardous materials inside of them. Lead paint, asbestos insulation, and other fixtures. Kronenberger & Sons can not only restore the beauty of these old pieces of your home or building, but they can also remove toxic materials. Through a meticulous process, lead and asbestos can be removed, and the original wood and other materials can be restored, and replaced in your home. When the job is done, not only will the restored area look amazing, it will be much safer to live with.

There are many parts of your older home that can be restored. Kronenberger & Sons are not just a restoration company, they are a full construction company. They can build you a new home if you want. Additionally, they are sought out for historic home repairs. They can restore masonry, concrete, stone, metals, and more.