Wood Restoration and Carpentry

Wood Restoration and Carpentry from Kronenberger and Sons is the best way to refresh, replace, or add wooden fixtures in your home. They are experts in home construction and historic restoration. If your home is older and showing signs of wear, whether wood, metal or even steeples and clock towers, they can restore it. Restoring historic architecture is no easy feat. They have an entire process and hazard room to do the work themselves. Until the 1970’s asbestos and lead were common construction materials in home building. This is why Kronenberger & Sons are so safe with historic materials.

Wood Restoration & Carpentry

Wood Restoration and Carpentry

When you have your home restored by Kronenberger & Sons, you can rest assured these harmful materials will be removed from your fixtures. This will make your home safer for you and your family. It will also make it safer for any renters or visitors you may have. Many older buildings are retrofitted to have apartments or rented rooms. If this is the case it may behoove you to have Kronenberger come in and remove any of these hazardous materials from your property. Make your home safer, and also restore its former beauty while you’re at it.

Kronenberger & Sons are a full-service construction company as well as restoration experts. Visit their site and learn more.