Women’s Divorce Coach Lisa Zonder is ready to help you through your divorce process, whether before, during, or post-divorce. Women often suffer silently through divorce. It can be hard to know who to confide in and often divorce lawyers aren’t there to help you feel better, or really process your emotions while going through the divorce process. Divorce stirs up a lot of emotions and it’s important to process them properly with the circumstances you’re going through. Women Over 40 Coaching is not a therapy or counseling service. However, they are coaches and will help you consider your emotional state as you make important decisions. Some people take advice from family or friends. However, often they are not the best people to take advise from.

Women’s Divorce Coaching
Divorce coaching is not a common service. It is important to split your assets fairly and having representation can help you make better decisions. Family and friends are tainted by their own experineces with divorce. Even if they didn’t go through the divorce themselves. Sometimes just being affected by divorce can make someone suggest options that aren’t really beneficial. It’s also possible, and likely, that their suggestion isn’t applicable in your situation.