Electrical Panel Replacement

Electrical Panel Replacement from Marshfield Electric is the safest way to replace your power panel. Power Panels need to be serviced and replaced from time to time. It’s always a great idea to check your panel every few months. Many issues can crop up at random or over time, including corrosion from water, frayed wiring from pests and vermin, and more. There are also other reasons why you may need a power panel replacement. Today’s electrical needs are only going up, with more devices to charge and constant use appliances like wifi modems routers, electric car charging stations, and smart home technology. This means your power panel is going to have heavier usage. But are your breakers able to handle that capacity? Depending on the age of your home, you may even still have a fuse box. We sincerely hope you don’t because while old fuse boxes are reliable technology, the advances in safety and constant usage features make old fuse boxes obsolete. If you have one you should absolutely give Marshfield Electric a call for a replacement.

Electrical Panel Replacement

Weather, corrosion, and other things can wear on electrical wiring housing, making it possible for water to enter the power panel. This won’t necessarily cause anything to short out. You may be able to keep using your power while the water slowly corrodes the metals and rust forms. This and other hazards from water buildup or moisture can cause safety issues in your power panel. Sometimes power panels are recalled because an issue or defect is found. The issue is as a homeowner you may not know what to look for, but Marshfield Electric does.