Wood Restoration and Carpentry

Wood Restoration and Carpentry from Kronenberger and Sons is the best way to refresh, replace, or add wooden fixtures in your home. They are experts in home construction and historic restoration. If your home is older and showing signs of wear, whether wood, metal or even steeples and clock towers, they can restore it. Restoring historic architecture is no easy feat. They have an entire process and hazard room to do the work themselves. Until the 1970’s asbestos and lead were common construction materials in home building. This is why Kronenberger & Sons are so safe with historic materials.

Wood Restoration & Carpentry

Wood Restoration and Carpentry

When you have your home restored by Kronenberger & Sons, you can rest assured these harmful materials will be removed from your fixtures. This will make your home safer for you and your family. It will also make it safer for any renters or visitors you may have. Many older buildings are retrofitted to have apartments or rented rooms. If this is the case it may behoove you to have Kronenberger come in and remove any of these hazardous materials from your property. Make your home safer, and also restore its former beauty while you’re at it.

Kronenberger & Sons are a full-service construction company as well as restoration experts. Visit their site and learn more.

Maine Property Management

Maine Property Management from 4Leaf Construction is a great way to care for properties you own and not have to deal with every issue yourself. If you own multiple properties, you don’t have time to tend to them all. Especially on those days when everyone has a problem. The good news is you can hire 4Leaf Construction to manage your properties for you. This isn’t just having the lawns mowed either. 4Leaf is a full-service property management company in addition to its construction services. 4Leaf can screen tenants, and collect rent and other dues or fees. They respond to maintenance requests and even handle vendors for you. You can leave your vacation home, duplex, or multiplex apartment building under their care.

Maine Property management

Maine Property Management

If you have homes up here in Maine as well as down south, 4Leaf can handle your Maine properties while you are away for the season or vacation. This lets you have peace of mind that everything is taken care of when you leave. No nagging thoughts in the back of your mind. Allowing you to enjoy yourself fully instead of worrying about your property over a thousand miles away. They can also handle Airbnb’s and vacation rentals, as well as commercial properties.

In addition to property management, 4Leaf also does home construction and renovation projects. From new buildings and homes to additions, roofing, all the way to solar panel installation. 4Leaf is a powerhouse of services for property owners both residential and commercial. They also act as general contractors and can manage your project for you.

Southern Maine Landscaping

Southern Maine Landscaping from AC Yard Services is the best way to keep your lawn and property looking amazing all year. Their services range from simple mowing and clean-up to full service and detailed landscaping. You can hire them for each season or all year long. Even in the winter, they will plow your driveway or parking lot for you and your renters. Why do all this back-breaking labor yourself when you can enjoy your property’s beauty without breaking a sweat?

Southern Maine Landscaping

Southern Maine Landscaping

Landscaping is not easy work. Additionally, doing a thorough job is extremely time-consuming. Most of us just want to enjoy our property, we don’t really care about the work to maintain it. That’s why AC Yard Services is here. They can do the simple work, mowing and raking leaves and such. However, they can also take care of the more involved tasks, like mulching, edging, aeration, and over-seeding. AC Yard Services not only does everything, but they do it efficiently. They don’t do the job too fast, and miss spots. The landscapers don’t take their time and take breaks on the job either. They come and do the job as quickly as they can without missing any details. Then they head off to their next job.

Their services come in tiers. You can just have them do the simple work, as mentioned above. But there are two more tiers to their annual plans, each including more services. This is very helpful to many customers with varying levels of needs for their lawn care. Contact them through their website to learn more!

Connecticut Pool Company

Connecticut Pool Company Century Pools is ready to service your commercial or residential pool all season long. Pool Maintenance is a major job. You can’t just automate pool maintenance, there’s always something to check. Fortunately, Century Pools is equipped and ready to do it for you. Whether you manage a commercial pool or own your own backyard pool, Century Pools can help. Instead of hiring a pool maintenance person, spend less money and get more efficient pool cleaning at the same time. If you have a private pool, why spend so much time maintaining your pool? By the time you’re done, you don’t even want to enjoy it.

Make your pool enjoyable by never having to maintain it. Century Pools can open your pool for the season, check on the chemical levels and filter and other systems like water heaters, close it at the end of the season, and keep an eye on it for winter.

Connecticut Pool Company

Located in New Britain, CT, and services the Hartford area, Century Pools is ready and able. They understand the importance of closing a pool for winter, so when springtime warmth hits, your pool is easy to re-open. Call them to have them maintain your pool for the season. You can also contract them for much larger jobs, like pool renovation. Century Pools can retrofit, remodel, repair, and renovate your pool. As long as a pool already exists, they can replace every piece of it. Complete pool renovations are available and the work they do speaks for itself. If you’re in need of their services, contact them through their website today!

Maine Radon Mitigation

Maine Radon Mitigation with Maine Radon Pro is the best way to keep your family safe from the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is a form of radiation that permeates most surfaces when present. It can seep through concrete, stone, soil/dirt, and more. Radon can also exist in your local water source. If you use well water, it’s possible it may be contaminated with Radon. 1 in 3 homes in Maine test high for Radon levels.

Maine Radon Mitigation

Fortunately, to mitigate Radon is fairly simple and straightforward. Maine Radon Pro can come to your home and test for Radon levels as well as install water and air filters in your basement or crawlspace to remove any Radon that exists. High levels of Radon damage your lungs, and over time, cancer can begin to form. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, the first being tobacco. So Radon is the leading natural, non habit-related, form of lung cancer. It’s crazy to think that you can get cancer just from living in a place, but it’s possible.

This is why it is so important to have your home inspected for Radon. This is a legal requirement when selling a home that hasn’t been tested recently. Radon levels can change over time, so it’s important to have your home checked, especially if you don’t have any radon information in your home inspection files. Getting your home tested is as easy as calling Maine Radon Pro. They can send someone over to inspect your home. If Radon is found, installing filters into your home typically takes no more than a day.

There are few good excuses as to why you shouldn’t have your home tested for radon levels, and fewer not to call Maine Radon Pro to do it. Visit their website to learn more!

Vehicle Wraps

Vehicle Wraps from Sebago Signworks are the best way to advertise your business in public. When a neighbor drives by and sees your car or truck in their neighbor’s driveway, they might ask about your service. Assuming you did a good job, these customers can give you a glowing recommendation. And just like that, you’ve landed a new customer, one who wouldn’t have even known to ask without your vehicle’s advertising. This is just one example of how vehicle wraps and truck lettering can pay for themselves over and over again.

Vehicle Wraps

Sebago Signworks makes signs and vehicle advertising for businesses across the US. Located in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine, this proud and capable team aren’t just sign makers, they’re creative artists as well. If you need new branding or signage ideas, they can start from scratch and create your branding and graphics.

Sebago Signworks can make roadside marketing signs, interior and exterior property signs for directions and parking lots, and such. It is very important to enable your visitors to find their way. Especially if you own a commercial complex with multiple businesses.

They are fully capable of detailing the exterior of your car with a wrap or letting to advertise your business and its services. Additionally, they can design them too. If you are just starting a business and don’t have any branding, they can help. branding and signage are essential. But it’s important that your signage be reflective of your branding and any logos you have. Font and style should be matched. Contact Sebago Signworks for them to get started now!

Maine Leadership Development

Maine leadership development with Priority Learning is the best way to improve your business’s culture while helping successful growth. Priority Learning does coaching and leadership development to help businesses develop their people and form a work culture that employees and executives are invested in and enjoy working in. Leadership can mean many things to different people. However, at the end of the day, leaders are the motivators of your business. If you don’t have strong leaders, your business’s efficiency can plummet. conversely, even if you have strong leaders, growth can still stay stagnant. When you have leaders who promote a positive culture, things really get cooking. Don’t wait. Don’t hope things turn around. The best way to improve your business’s culture and leaders is with Priority Learning.

Maine Leadership Development

Priority Learning does coaching, leadership workshops, and culture initiatives with businesses. Their track record speaks for itself, when you check out their testimonials, it’s clear they are masters of their craft.

Organizational Development is a process that takes the leaders of an organization and provides them with tools and skills to lead their teams into productive, and efficient employees. They do this by facilitating workshops, and individual coaching with leaders and associates in your business. The workshops include other leaders and associates from other organizations. Priority Learning has found that these groups often learn from each other just as much as from the facilitators. Having peers they can compare experiences with helps the group find new perspectives from which to resolve issues and motivate their teams.

They have also started a new podcast where they go over these topics in more detail. Find them on Spotify and other podcast platforms.

Maine Leadership Development

Old Home Restoration

Old Home Restoration with Kronenberger & Sons is the best way to restore old fixtures and worn wood, metal, and other materials, while removing toxic materials like lead and asbestos. Older homes have a certain charm. No matter which period it was made in, even the 1970’s. However, as charming as they may be, that can wear over time. Windows and doors especially show their age and can be worn down. Often drafts form and the home becomes less energy efficient. Older homes weren’t really built for energy efficiency either. These are great reasons to hire Kronenberger & Sons to restore your home or just parts of your old home.

Old Home Restoration

Homes built up to the 1970’s have hazardous materials inside of them. Lead paint, asbestos insulation, and other fixtures. Kronenberger & Sons can not only restore the beauty of these old pieces of your home or building, but they can also remove toxic materials. Through a meticulous process, lead and asbestos can be removed, and the original wood and other materials can be restored, and replaced in your home. When the job is done, not only will the restored area look amazing, it will be much safer to live with.

There are many parts of your older home that can be restored. Kronenberger & Sons are not just a restoration company, they are a full construction company. They can build you a new home if you want. Additionally, they are sought out for historic home repairs. They can restore masonry, concrete, stone, metals, and more.

Maine Wifi Installation

Maine Wifi Installation from Downeast Audio/Video is the best way to get great internet speeds inside your home. Many people don’t understand how wifi operates, and it’s not specifically important that everyone does. However, if you want the best speed from your wifi router, it’s important that you put it in a place where it can transmit throughout your home without interference. Downeast Audio Video will not only work to put your wifi router in the best position, they do much more. They can advise builders and help design placement positions that help your wifi reach every part of your home. Downeast A/V can also install low-voltage wiring in your home for all of your entertainment and device needs. Many home systems and internet-connected devices require access. Downeast Audio Video is certified to install wiring in your current home, or the one you’re building. It is much easier to install wiring before the drywall stage of home development, so keep that in mind for your future construction projects.

Maine Wifi Installation

Downeast Audio Video is ready to provide your home with the entertainment upgrades you want. From wireless home audio to amazing home theater setups or unobstructed wifi. They can also install pro audio in your car or truck, so you can bump it as you cruise. Downeast Audio Video’s team are experts in home installation and entertainment system design. They can also install smart home systems for you, and bring your home into the future. Visit their website and learn more about Downeast Audio Video, and contact them.

Maine Heating Contractor

Maine Heating Contractor 207 Plumbing & Heating is ready to inspect, maintain, or install new plumbing and heating in your home. It’s winter time and that means heat is on everyone’s mind. If your heater is old and hasn’t been checked by a professional in the last few years, it’s time. Letting your heater go for prolonged periods without being checked can be dangerous and also risky. It doesn’t take much to make a heating system break, and while they may be durable, sometimes unexpected issues can arise. From frayed wires, to dust build-up, there are many reasons why a heating system can fail. If it does, your home it without heat.

Maine Heating Contractor

If your heating system fails, it means more than just being uncomfortably cold. Your pipes could freeze. If that happens you may burst a pipe and flood your home. A lot of damage can come about from an easy-to-fix problem with your heating system. So it makes sense to have someone come out and inspect it every year or so. That way, when 207 notices a problem or possible future issue, they can fix it for you, so it doesn’t leave you without heat for any period of time.

Visit the 207 Plumbing and Heating website to learn more about all the services they provide. And contact them if you have need of their services, or if it’s been a minute since your last heating and plumbing system inspections. Keep your home warm and protected by having your heating system checked asap!