Maine Auto Insurance

Maine Auto Insurance from Jonathan Priest with Farmers Insurance is the best way to keep your car insured for a good price. It’s the law in Maine and most states to have insurance. There are good reasons why. An accident can happen anywhere at any time and not even be your fault. Aggressive driving is at an all-time high and patience is thin. It’s smart to at least have liability and comprehensive insurance for your auto insurance plan. These cover you and the people injured in the accident. Contact Jonathan Priest for prices and specific plans.

Maine Auto Insurance

When you have insurance, you’re protected. Medical bills, repairs, or even the cost of a new car. You can even include compensation for renting a car while yours is being repaired or replaced. So you can still get to work tomorrow. Even more important is to have insurance that covers anyone you might injure in an accident. Crazy things can happen on the road and if you’ve injured someone else in an accident you can be responsible for the medical bills. That’s why having liability insurance is so crucial. It covers a certain amount of medical bills with a deductible. Those plans vary and prices depend on your driving history and other factors. Comprehensive insurance covers you from acts of God and such. Which is when nature takes its revenge on your vehicle by dropping a tree on it or something along those lines.

Comprehensive Insurance can cover a lot more than just acts of god, it can cover theft, vandalism, and more. Contact Jonathan Priest to learn more about plans available for your car today.

IRS Tax Resources

IRS Tax Resources from Propono is a great way to answer questions and find forms to help you with your IRS problems. Propono is here to help settle and resolve conflicts you have with the IRS. Tax resolution specialists from Propono are ready to help you. You can’t be expected to be an expert on tax law and rules. They make it incredibly convoluted and intentionally difficult to figure the IRS out. That’s why experts who know all the ins and outs are standing by to help. The IRS is a bully, and they will bully you into paying what they say you owe. Don’t take them at their word. Often the tax resolution process can not only help you with payment plans that don’t leave you broke every month, but they can also help you lower your total amount owed.

IRS Tax Resources

Propono wants you to have some help and direction, so they put together a resources page to help you answer questions and research your situation. Check it out on their website now.

The IRS doesn’t have time to bicker and argue, so they use intimidating tactics like wage garnishment and levy’s on your property. But when you have a company like Propono in your corner, they are much easier to come to terms. This is because they know they will be able to close the file on your outstanding debt one way or another. Working with Propono not only helps you, it shows the IRS you want to resolve the issue.

Contact Propono today and learn more on their website.

Maine Leadership Development

Maine Leadership Development with Priority Learning is the best way to invest in your people and grow your business as a result. With Priority Learnings workshops and coaching programs, you can improve employee engagement & performance. It’s not some secret recipe. It’s learning how to choose and create the best leaders for your organization. Managers are not always the best leaders, and while the two terms can be interchangeable, they are distinctly different in meaning at Priority Learning. Leaders should inspire and motivate their followers. Managers need to simply make sure work is getting done. Not everyone is ready or willing to step into leadership roles. It’s too often that businesses promote successful workers, and place them in positions they aren’t equipped to succeed in.

Maine Leadership Development

Priority Learning offers several workshops for people at different levels of your business, from associates with potential for leadership roles to active managers and supervisors. These workshops are designed to put you in the room with your peers. Often a few people from several companies, all in similar roles. These groups allow you to learn from each other. You use the tools Priority Learning teaches you to effectively become better leaders in your workplace.

The goal is to create a company culture that employees look forward to coming to every day. Invested employees do better work, and are more satisfied by the success of the business they work for.

Don’t wait to contact Priority Learning and discover how they can help your business. Sign up for a coaching session, or one of their many workshops. Additionally, you should speak with Priority Learning about cultural growth and goals. Don’t wait until small issues become company dynamics. Set yourselves on the right path now. Leadership Development and Culture work are a process. You can’t learn them in a day. You can’t learn them in a week. Priority Learning workshops usually meet one day a month.

Visit Priority Learning’s website to learn more. Contact them for a consultation. Sign up for coaching or a leadership workshop. Create a business culture your company can thrive in.

Winch Lines

Winch Lines from The Rope Guru are the best rope you can buy for the job. Rope does wear with time and use, don’t risk injury or property damage using an inadequate rope. Make sure you have the best possible rope by visiting the Rope Guru. They splice all their winches in-house and only buy high-quality manufactured rope. The Rope Guru is Jamie Goddard, and he is committed to providing the best rope to his customers no matter where they are in the world. He has over 20 years in the rope industry and has worked in safety, sales, and service. His mission is to provide excellent service and supply synthetic rope for multiple applications and jobs. Ranging from electrical utility work, towing, heavy lift cranes, arboriculture, construction, marine, and more.

Winch Lines

The Rope Guru can provide you with secure and safe winch lines. These “boom ropes” and “jib lines” come in a variety, so you can choose the best winch for your application. All of the Rope Guru’s winches are splices in-house. They are also a great resource if you have questions about rope application, load bearing, or measurement.

They also have a variety of other types of ropes and splices available for both heavy-use industries and hobby and leisure activities like sailing and power boats. Rope has come a long way in the last few decades. Synthetic rope is now the dominant material in the industry. However, this has also brought with it more specific combinations of materials to have different uses. Learn more on the Rope Guru’s website.

Private Power Pole Installation

Private Power Pole Installation from Private Power Services is the best and safest way to install a new power pole or any other kind of large stationary tower that’s deeply embedded in the ground. Private Power Services (PPS) is ready to help you install a new power line. First, the path needs to be clear. If you aren’t able to clear obstructions from the path of your new power line, Private Power Services can. The next big step is installing power poles. Power poles need to be properly secured in the ground. You can’t just dig a hole with a shovel a few feet and expect anything tall to stay buried. You must dig deep enough to properly secure the new power pole. Fortunately, PPS has all the right equipment for the job.

Private Power Pole Installation and More

Private Power Services can install as many power poles as needed to help your power line reach its destination. But with their gear, they can do a lot more. If you need a privacy wall from a noisy area of town or a highway, they can install them for you. Giving your neighborhood some peace and quiet. They can also install netting to collect golf balls for driving ranges and golf courses.

Don’t hesitate to contact them for any of those services and more. Have your new power line installed with new power poles. Or you could go the slightly more expensive up front, but lower maintenance down the road path. PPS also installs underground power lines. So if you live in an area with a lot of trees and obstructions, you may want to consider this option.

Visit the Private Power Services Website to learn more!

Maine Content Marketing

Maine Content Marketing from Casle Media Inc. is a great way to keep your website flowing with original content, while you keep working on the many things a business owner needs to do. Many business owners don’t have time to write content for their website two or more times a month, as is recommended. Content is king on the internet, and if you aren’t pushing out fresh content you will see your Search Engine Optimization results declining faster and faster. Why make all that work for yourself, when Castle Media can do it for you?

Maine Content Marketing

If you need content but don’t have time to write it, or aren’t a strong writer, you may want to consider outsourcing that task to a pro. Noelle Castle is such a pro, with years of experience in writing professionally. She will speak with you and learn about your business, recommend topics as well as take suggestions, and write great pieces of content that are not only informative for your visitors and potential customers but grammatically accurate and easy to read. This takes most of us a great deal of time to create and finish. Noelle turns projects around in a timely manner and provides content you can proudly share on social media.

She also writes newsletters and other pieces of needed content for your website. If you need blogging, newsletters, better website copy, and more, she can create what you need to look professional and informative online. Visit her website today and learn how she can help your business.

Jewelry Made of Recycled Materials

Jewelry made of recycled materials from Martini Jewel are ready to be gawked at for their quality and artisanship. You would never be able to tell that these pieces are made of recycled materials. Martini Jewel is committed to having the lowest carbon footprint possible. They order their precious metals from responsible recyclers. Their gold is from a factory that exhausts cleaner air than it takes in. These are the types of businesses Martini Jewel allies themselves with. This way they can provide you with the most ethical, and responsible choice of beautiful jewelry that will turn heads and attract stares.

Jewelry Made of Recycled Materials

Martini Jewel is a Maine Local business employing Mainers. It’s as green and carbon neutral as a jewelry store can be. Which isn’t easy. They go through a painstaking effort to source ethical jewels, gems, and diamonds. Often paying more per unit than they would for “blood” diamonds. They do this because it’s the moral thing to do. They are also committed to bringing beautiful jewelry to the world without wasting materials.

There are many benefits to buying from Martini Jewel. Not only can you tout being part of the solution, but the artisanship of the jewelry is obvious. You can show off to your friends and family. They won’t even know it’s ethically sourced until you tell them. But they will know it’s gorgeous. Don’t miss out on the limited runs they have on their website. Martini Jewel hires local jewelry makers and makes many of their pieces by hand. Learn more and buy something special now!

Electrical Panel Replacement

Electrical Panel Replacement from Marshfield Electric is the safest way to replace your power panel. Power Panels need to be serviced and replaced from time to time. It’s always a great idea to check your panel every few months. Many issues can crop up at random or over time, including corrosion from water, frayed wiring from pests and vermin, and more. There are also other reasons why you may need a power panel replacement. Today’s electrical needs are only going up, with more devices to charge and constant use appliances like wifi modems routers, electric car charging stations, and smart home technology. This means your power panel is going to have heavier usage. But are your breakers able to handle that capacity? Depending on the age of your home, you may even still have a fuse box. We sincerely hope you don’t because while old fuse boxes are reliable technology, the advances in safety and constant usage features make old fuse boxes obsolete. If you have one you should absolutely give Marshfield Electric a call for a replacement.

Electrical Panel Replacement

Weather, corrosion, and other things can wear on electrical wiring housing, making it possible for water to enter the power panel. This won’t necessarily cause anything to short out. You may be able to keep using your power while the water slowly corrodes the metals and rust forms. This and other hazards from water buildup or moisture can cause safety issues in your power panel. Sometimes power panels are recalled because an issue or defect is found. The issue is as a homeowner you may not know what to look for, but Marshfield Electric does.

Life After Divorce

Life After Divorce can be tough, but having a coach, who can guide you legally and emotionally, can make all the difference. That’s why Lisa Zonder started Women Over 40 Coaching. To help women who have been silently suffering or are struggling with finding their footing after or during a divorce. There are many benefits to working with a divorce coach. Including the ability to manage conflict and set boundaries with your ex-spouse. This is especially helpful if you have shared custody of children or other assets from your marriage. Build confidence and self-esteem by creating and accomplishing personal goals. Increase your self-awareness and empowerment. Explore potential career transitions and gain financial independence. Explore dating and cultivating new relationships and have a coach at your side to help with perspective.

Life After Divorce

Women Over 40 Coaching is a great service for women who don’t often ask for help. It’s also useful for women who too often ask for the opinions of others. It can be incredibly challenging and confusing to listen to all of your friends and family give you different advice. Especially when they haven’t lived through it, or when they are jaded by their experience. Having someone who’s been through it, and has legal expertise, and emotional intelligence, can make a huge difference. Having someone who can focus on you and help you stay focused on your goals is an enormous benefit. Many women struggle silently or alone to find their next steps and takes a much longer time to find stability and a path forward. Lisa Zonder wants you to have someone in your corner. To learn more at the WO40 website.

Maine Construction Company

Maine Construction Company 4Leaf Construction is a great choice for new construction or roofing and siding for your home. They can do general contracting as well and take over logistics and oversight on your future or current projects. Whether you just need a small addition or if you want to build a brand new home, 4Leaf has the skills and expertise to make it an easy process. They also do property management and maintenance for multiunit properties and developments. 4Leaf is a great choice for so many projects. If you are holding off on a project because you haven’t found a crew, contact 4Leaf now.

Maine Construction Company

It’s not enough to provide construction services. If a crew doesn’t have the experience necessary, you could wind up with a less-than-stellar end result. This is why 4Leaf doesn’t just do construction, but also general contracting. If not organized and coordinated, different crews, who perform different important tasks on new home construction, can interfere with each other’s work. If a wall is finished before the electrician has installed an outlet, they may have to tear down part of that wall to finish. Sometimes crews can make mistakes and cover outlets or access to certain areas. Having a general contractor to make sure it’s all done right can make the difference between a dream home and a problem home.

4Leaf Construction wants to make sure your home project is finished with the best possible results. They have the oversight and experience to see problems coming before they form. Contact them now!