If you work in the flooring industry there’s a good chance you’re familiar with the ProKnee Treadman tool available from Independence Floor Supply. This tool is extremely helpful when your installing or re flooring stairs of any shape and size. ProKnee is aware that installing stair-treads has never been very easy. It can actually be quite time consuming and challenging for flooring professionals. Now in a perfect world each step would be an exact replication of the one before it. Unfortunately that is not the case, it is rare that anything in this world is exact. Each and every stair tends to have their own angles and discrepancies.
That’s why ProKnee developed the Treaman tool! Using the ProKnee Treadman tool was designed to cut down the time of stair tread installation by more than half. With this tool you will get accurate measurements quickly. Using this tool can help eliminate the chance of you making costly mistakes. This tool was an innovation developed and created by ProKnee. The flooring experts at Independence Floor Supply saw the value in this tool immediately and wanted to be able to offer it directly to their customers. IF you’re a flooring professional that is stick and tired of making costly mistakes while installing stair treads. You should take a moment to either call or go in IFSupply’s website to purchase your ProKnee Treadman today!
There is a great information page about the ProKnee Treadman Tool on Independence Floor Supply’s website if you’re interested in learning more. After reading more about this amazing tool I would be shocked if you didn’t want to purchase one on the spot. Independence Floor Supply is a reliable, professional company that has been selected to carry the ProKnee products. So when you purchase ProKnee products from IFSupply you can rest assured that you are getting the genuine product.